Bush Medicine is traditional herbal medicine- the oldest system of healing in the world. Bush medicine started in Africa about 30,000 years ago. In the African-Caribbean culture plants are referred to as Bush such as fever bushor toothache bush and are revered for their healing and spiritual properties. Every culture in world practiced and still […]
Month: September 2017

Drug and alcohol rehab
Abuse of any kind has a big impact on your life but also on the life of those around you. Find a Drug Rehab program near you! Get the information resources, and tools needed to overcome drug addiction from a nationwide network of drug rehab facilities and programs equipped to supporting a person’s life long […]
Fish size Sebra
This fish is characterized by its elongated shape, similar to that of the Tetra Fish and has stripes of blue color, for which, it is given the name of zebra. The females are silver in the background and the males are golden. The ventral part is pink and white. It has a single dorsal fin, […]

What is scalp micropigmentation
Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP®) is an innovative, solution that replicates the appearance of thicker, fuller hair. Specially trained Bosley practitioners apply a proprietary formula of pigment (ink) to the scalp with micro-fine needles to create thousands of tiny impressions, giving the illusion of hair, similar to the artist’s technique of stippling. This affordable solution can also […]